An amazing display of posters from the 1960's discovered at Euston Underground Station opens at The Red Gallery on 12th December and runs through until 28th February 2013. Photographer Andrew Stanney, who is in-house photographer of The Old London Underground Company, started taking photographs in 2009 and became fascinated with "ghost" or abandoned Tube stations.
He said: “I saw a programme about people exploring underground
tunnels beneath London and after doing a bit of research on the internet
I found out that when Euston Station was refurbished in the 1960s, part
of it had just been blocked off. You can still see the old entrance on
Drummond Street.”
Stanney's passion turned to persuasion. He managed to get Hasselbad to lend him a £30,000 camera in return for use of some of the pictures and also got TfL to take him down to view the lost ads.
He echoed the feeling that I myself had when being on a Tube platform that few other people have stepped on in recent years (I was lucky enough to have a tour of Old Brompton Tube station): “There was a real eeriness to it. You are above the new tunnel and you can hear the trains and feel the vibrations. When the station was refurbished, they just shut the tunnel off and it hasn’t been touched since. Everything is as it was, which is great for me as an artist."
Now his exhibition records the "secret museum" of the lost ads. Red Gallery dramatically describe the display. "Here are the remnants of communication, silent, their voices irreparably
changed, occupying depopulated spaces. They are function mutated with
age. Silent witnesses to the millions of that once past, they haunt
their subterranean world, glaring patiently from the walls. As posters,
they insist they should be taken as reality, but are too damaged to make
a cohesive statement."
Whatever statement they might be making, the exhibition "In Passing" will appeal to anyone with an interest in advertising, uncovering the past and the lost wonders of the London Underground. The exhibition takes place in new space which is a part of the Red Gallery project the 'Bird & Ballard' gallery cafe, at 84-86 Great Eastern Street, EC2A 3JL
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