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Annie Mole's, daily web log (blog) & “guide” to the London Underground
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on the London Underground.

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Official buskers all over the place now and the "
if you can't have a shave in the toilet where can you have a shave" buskers were spotted on a mainline train being rather pissed off about the official ones. I guess they did the audition and weren't deemed good enough. It's amazing they've been around for at least fifteen years and still don't seem to have changed their material.

Quite liked the above sign from the tube, as it says please support the buskers "in the usual way", what's that the tube officially acknowledging a formerly illegal practice or supporting an illegal practice as "usual". I'm confused!!!????

OH JOY - Just stumbled across the author Neil Gaiman's blog. Neil wrote the truly bizarre and imaginative book and TV series Neverwhere about a strange underground world which features characters named after tube stations. In London Below, feudal law rules, and all sorts of creatures exist. It is a fantasy world with mythic beasts and people wearing Victorian clothes, and speaking in the appropriate Victorian tongue - rather like the history of the tube itself.

; Posted by annie mole Saturday, May 31, 2003 Permalink COMMENT HERE