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Annie Mole's, daily web log (blog) & “guide” to the London Underground
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on the London Underground.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Semi Nutter

I feel really bad saying this about the guy, but I'll say it anyway, but I was sitting next to a man talking to himself on the tube today. Fortunately he didn't turn out to be a real nutter, cos he moved from talking to himself, to singing (not that loudly thank God), to whistling under his breath, to complete silence like the rest of the carriage. That was a great relief. My worst experience of the tube loon to date has been a man talking to me quite sensibly at first, then really going off in a major rant how everyone on the carriage was racist and how we should all stick together and doing that "You looking at me" Robert DeNiro mad shout at anyone who glanced in his direction. I had to move carriages after two stops of this as I was getting just a tad scared.


Today I added a comments tool to the blog, so if you want to comment or get on your soap box about any post feel free.

; Posted by annie mole Tuesday, July 22, 2003 Permalink COMMENT HERE