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Annie Mole's, daily web log (blog) & “guide” to the London Underground
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Thursday, September 11, 2003

What's something that 24% of women admit to doing on the tube?

They will have problems doing it standing up.

They normally need to sit down to do it.

It helps to have a mirror on hand.

It's something I do every morning.

I don't do on the way home that often.

It sometimes attracts a lot of stares from fellow passengers.

I think most women do it in the bedroom or bathroom.

You really, really shouldn't do whilst driving.

It's nothing exciting really..... just putting on make-up.

So almost a quarter of female commuters do this. It's no surprise and it's not like picking your nose or something, but I get amazed at the dirty looks you get from some people whilst doing this. I bet men would shave on the tube if they could be bothered to buy electric razors and weren't being sold the advantages of wet shaving all of the time by Gillette.

; Posted by annie mole Thursday, September 11, 2003 Permalink COMMENT HERE