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Monday, December 29, 2003

I so need to learn Czech

I think they're insulting me

Another interesting referral as a result of my blog almost winning the Guardian British Blog Awards.

"Sm�lu jsem m�l i p�i n�v�t�v� London Underground Tube Diary (Best specialist - Highly commended). Str�nka se asi dv� minuty na��tala - a nena�etla. Pot�ilo m� alespo� ocen�n� blogu Stuarta Hughese, toliko nositele m�ho superpresti�n�ho Blogu t�dne."


Now roughly and very, very roughly translated the above means:

"Worse luck jsem m�l as well as with attendance The great wen Underground Tube Diary Best speciality Highly commended ). Aspect to aromatically two minutes tap plus nena�etla. Solace myself at least assessing blogu Stuarta Hughese , merely wear m�ho superpresti�n�ho Blogu weeks."

WTF? If anyone has a better translation which doesn't involve lots more Czech I would love to know it.

; Posted by annie mole Monday, December 29, 2003 Permalink COMMENT HERE