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Sunday, February 22, 2004

Mad people around

Dogville & Disturbing sights on the Tube

Just got back from seeing the three hour film fest of
Dogville, (can't remember when I last left a cinema where so many people left in stunned exhausted silence - also it was so involving it didn't at all feel like three hours). The film ended with David Bowie blasting out the joyously ironic anthem Young Americans to disturbing stills of poverty and violence in the States from the Depression to the present day. On the way to see the film I saw a pretty disturbing drunk who was drinking his daily poison with a straw, then offering people around him on the carriage, a read of any paper he managed to lay his red hands on.

Tennants through a straw anyone?

Then coming home I saw a sticker put up by another person with a disturbed mind

How sad is that?

You might not be able to read it, but from memory I think it said:

"Hi any A/B's out here. I am wearing a nappy, pink frilly plastic pants. Yes I do wet them. I also love wearing school knickers"

and I'm not going into the rest as I don't fancy any saddos from people who're into that, coming here from Google searches. Christ only knows what A/B's are - I don't think they were referring to socio demographics used by advertising agencies. Mad thing was, there was no phone number on it either. So the point was......????? Shock value? Someone having a drunken laugh? Nowt as queer as folk, but at least it momentarily took my mind off Dogville.

But it certainly made me want to answer no to the Casino 88 ad taken through the window in Glamoursmith/Hammersmith's waiting room

click for some more ads from this campaign

; Posted by annie mole Sunday, February 22, 2004 Permalink COMMENT HERE