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Friday, September 16, 2005

Film projections on subway Tunnels

Would anyone would be able to do this in London?

Many thanks to our favourite
ambulance driving blogger, Tom Reynolds who just send me the following email:

"I came across this QT video on Rocketboom today. In it an artist attaches a projector to the side of a subway train, so that it projects little movies on the tunnel walls.

The link is here http://www.rocketboom.com/vlog/archives/2005/09/rb_05_sep_16.html

Still from Quick Time Movie showing film projections on subway tunnels

How long before some bright spark thinks this is a good way to advertise?

However, I am surprised that the fella who stuck the box to the train didn't get shot by jumpy coppers

; Posted by annie mole Friday, September 16, 2005 Permalink COMMENT HERE