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Thursday, October 27, 2005

"I Like Trains"

Metro's band to watch

Intriguing idea reported in yesterday's Metro "Despite the atrocious name, this Leeds five-piece are not 'wacky' pop punk chumps..... I Like Trains sport shabby British Rail uniforms on stage wihle projections of disaster movies flicker in the background.... the uniforms seem to turn them into anonymous conduits for lost spirits"

One of their tracks "The Beeching Report" is "a ghostly lament for the mass dismantling of the rail network in the early 1960's. You should be sensing their chilling presence soon".

Check out their own website www.iliketrains.co.uk where they say:

"iLiKETRAiNS met in the Northern Transport Hub of Leeds in the Spring of 2003. Windswept platforms provide the inspiration and a love of music that is progressively English and glacially Icelandic holds them together. They play songs of disaster, murder, betrayal and railways while antiquated projectors rumble and claw their way through films of disaster, films of snow and a film of Raquel Welch in a bikini."


; Posted by annie mole Thursday, October 27, 2005 Permalink COMMENT HERE