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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fraud, bankruptcy, suicide and transportation - The history of the London Underground Railway

Charles Tyson YerkesIntriguing free lecture about the Tube

I imagine the American financier, Charles Tyson Yerkes, who electrified the London Underground in the early 1900's is one of the main topics of this lecture. Although Yerkes is often described as the saviour of the London Underground, you don't hear too much about the many devious ways in which he obtained his vast finances. Even though the Tube may not have been electrified so quickly without him, he left his railway companies heavily in debt when he died (before he got to see any of his lines actually opened).

Stephen Halliday who wrote the fantastic
Underground to Everywhere, one of the best books about the history of the Tube I have read, is giving a free lecture at Gresham College (nearest Tube Chancery Lane) on the 16th March at 1pm.

"Dr Stephen Halliday is the author of many books based on Victorian London including 'The Great Stink' which has featured in several radio and TV programmes and 'Underground to Everywhere: London's Underground Railway in the life of the Capital'."

Thanks to Jon Allen for letting us know about this.

; Posted by annie mole Thursday, March 09, 2006 Permalink COMMENT HERE