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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Facebook Group for pretend DLR Drivers

A good way to get in the news at the moment seems to be to build a Facebook Group and get over 1,000 members to join it. It doesn't really matter whether anyone actually does anything in a Facebook Group, allegiance seems to be enough. Anyway, Parliamentary researcher Kieron Merrett set up a
Facebook Group for people who like to secretly pretend they are driving the driverless Docklands Light Railway train. Bizarrely, Mr Merrett categorised this as "Extreme Sports" in Facebook.

DLR Driving Facebook Group

Prior to the article in the londonpaper there were 1,400 members and now this has bumped up to around 2,000.

Facebook Group for DLR 'Fantasy'About the people who like to pretend drive, a TfL spokesperson (rather strangely) said "I suppose this way you're living a bit of the dream".

Members of the group seem happy to know they're not the only people who "live the dream". Some people claim to rush for that front seat so they can have their fun and get narked when the real "driver" is there.

My favourite quote is from Sarah, who was clearly so excited she forgot how to spell "i did the exact same thing, my boyfriend thought i was strange, but it was soooooo forfilling!!! it wasnt until i read the local paper (canary news or summat) that i realised that i wasnt the only one who pretended to drive the train!!! yay!! apartently the govoner of london transport views this page everyday to see what were all talking about!! woo hoo!! so mr transport man, if you are reading this, please could you put some pretend levers and buttons on the front of the train so we can get the 'real' driving experience, that would be ace!!"

I must admit that I did imagine I might be driving, the very first time I managed to get in the front seat. But after a year of commuting on it the novelty wore off. It does mean that you can get some good "driver view" shots though.

Any other DLR pretend drivers are free to "out" themselves here. Otherwise, you have a spiritual home on Facebook.

; Posted by annie mole Wednesday, August 29, 2007 Permalink COMMENT HERE