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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tube Photo of the Week

Subterranean Post It Blues

The eagle eyed Chutney Bannister was celebrating his
photographic exhibition at Freud cafe bar gallery last night, when he caught one of the best Tube nutters I've seen.

Photo by Chutney Bannister

I take my hat off to Chutney here as I've seen this bloke a number of times at Leicester Square but whenever I've tried to surreptitiously take a picture of him he does the same - takes his hat off. Or a least turns away very sharply so I can't take a picture.

God alone knows why this man thinks Veronica Wadley (editor of the Evening Standard) is the only person who gives you the rights to look like lunatic. I'm sure she's got better things to do with her time than granting "approval" for you to stick notices in your woolly hat. Also I don't think she'd approve of her underwear preferences being broadcast to late night commuters.

I'd love to see our man at Leicester Square's new notices. There's definitely more to come as you can see he's sporting what looks like an enlarged Post-It notepad. Perhaps he's going to restyle himself on Bob Dylan (a la Subterranean Homesick Blues) and we'll see him busking one day, ripping off notes to accompany the lyrics to a song.

If you manage to spot him on your journey and he keeps his hat on for you, please send the photo my way.

; Posted by annie mole Tuesday, August 07, 2007 Permalink COMMENT HERE