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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No Pants Subway Ride Grows

Update - it's now in London -
No Trouser Tube Ride 2011 in London

The annual day of going trouserless on the Subway is spreading. What started on the New York Metro seven years ago, now has "pranksters" following suit & dropping their pants in Washington, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore, Salt Lake City, and San Franciso. It's now even outside the US and subway travellers are pantless in Toronto and Adelaide. So when will it reach London?

It's interesting that in the news clip above the anchorman ends with the point there's nothing that the subway network officials can do about this. They'd checked with their lawyers and "All riders must have shoes and shirts but the law says nothing about pants."

Thanks to Heather for sending me in the direction of Washington's day (which even though she travelled on the Metro that day she didn't see anyone sans pants). But I love that the group boarded at a station called "Foggy Bottom". It's almost too "Carry On" for words.

Improv Everywhere which started the ....err... trend, has more videos and pictures of the events. The video below from New York has a few more passenger reactions to the day.

Perhaps this time next year I'll be writing about the London Underground's first No Trouser Tube Ride.

; Posted by annie mole Wednesday, January 16, 2008 Permalink COMMENT HERE