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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fish on the Underground - Tube Photo of the Week

Or let sleeping sharks lie

Sleeping with the sharks taken by Chris Meade & Hattie Coppard

Great photo taken by Chris Meade & Hattie Coppard at Experimental Play.

At least I think it's a shark and not a giant version of Nemo.

Speaking of sharks and whales or large fish on the London Underground, there have been some new Animals on the Underground spotted.

You might remember when the brill company Animalsontheunderground which looked for animals "found" in the Tube map had some fishy underwear as part of its merchandise. Sadly the elephant trunks and fishy knickers have gone, but the site still has T-shirts with the found animals on them.

However some time ago I was alerted to some new animals found in the London Undeground map. My favourites are the mouse, as you get a number of these really on the Underground:

And the platypus - just because I like its little eyes

If anyone wants to stare at the Tube map for several hours to discover others, feel free. It's a similar pastime to playing Magic Eye with the upholstery or moquette on Tube seats but at least they make for better T-shirts.

; Posted by annie mole Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Permalink COMMENT HERE