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Friday, April 12, 2013

Photobombing Fun Tube Pictures

Looking for a way to brighten up your Tube commute?  An anoymous photographer is making quite a splash across the net right now by strategically using free newspapers to create some fun forced perspective pictures.  "Photo bombing" fellow commuters means you can potentially get to see celebrities travelling with you every day.

The photos are mostly on buses or on mainline train journeys but you can easily see how this would work for London Underground journeys.

The photographer's choices for this are fun, but I loved a shot that I blogged about a few years ago where Meg Pickard captured a lady reading on the Tube.  This wasn't set up but just a lovely spontaneous  moment where everything worked together brilliantly

Geisha  by Meg Pickard
Photo by Meg Pickard

Chutney Bannister's "The Surreal Line" set of photos on the Tube also show how cross platform ads can mingle with commuters to create some interesting perspectives.

baby messiah big brother

Thanks to @MichalD for initially alerting me the to current "photo bombing" photos and you can see the full set of them all on Shortlist.

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; Posted by annie mole Friday, April 12, 2013 Permalink COMMENT HERE